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Guest Check-Ins and Check-Outs

As many of you know, when the resort reopened in November 2020, the Real Estate owner service team began processing the check-in and check-out for Real Estate guest reservations (meaning no owner present) at the Real Estate Office in order to decrease the amount of people congregating in the hotel receptions in line with pandemic protocol.

As of May 1, 2022, we will return to providing check in and check out for guest reservations at the hotel reception where they are staying. A concierge from our Owner Service Team will meet your guests at the hotel reception once they have checked in to provide the golf cart and dinner reservations and a very warm welcome!  With this change, the check-in and check-out at  the Real Estate Reception will be reserved exclusively for Owner reservations, so that you and your guests travelling with you have the most efficient and pleasant experience possible. We hope you enjoy our new signature Real Estate welcome drink on your next check-in!